Servicing anywhere in the Greater Vancouver
20+ years in the industry
Owner-working teams
Max 30 min call response time to any support request
500 plus royal customers, most serving over ten years
Our service has history back in 2000 when we were a part of the remote unit in a Bottle Depot. Facing the business owner's requests for help moving their empties, so we responded. And now it turns to 21st birthday in 2021.
The majority of our customers are loyal during the time only because of THE SERVICE.
Now we are teams of 7 owners working with their individual trucks. The Owner-operating concept eliminates many negative aspects when with the hired workers. RELIABILITY & RESPONSIVENESS is the outstanding elements.
We maintain the right schedule suit to each customer. And do the work ourselves without interrupting the customer's day-to-day BUSYNESS. You will expect accurate reports at the end of the payment period. We also try to keep the response time in 30 minutes or less to any inquiry, question or emergency help request.