Starting on February 1, 2022, British Columbians can head to their local Return-It collection site to responsibly recycle even more material for a 10-cent deposit refund. Clean and empty ready-to-drink milk and plant-based beverage containers, such as oat, almond, and soy, will now be included in the deposit system at over 170 Return-It collection sites across B.C.
Accepted containers include clean and rinsed ready-to-drink milk and plant-based beverage containers, such as milk, oat, almond, soy-based beverages, and more. Only clean containers will be accepted for returns so consumers are encouraged to rinse out containers before returning them. Modified milk products or milk products that are not normally considered beverages, such as meal replacement beverages, coffee additives, whipping cream and drinkable yogurt, are not eligible for a 10-cent deposit refund.
Return-It asks all British Columbians to participate by visiting their local Return-It collection site to recycle and receive their deposit refund for empty milk and plant based beverage containers. Milk or plant based beverage containers put in the residential and curbside (blue box) recycling bin, will not be eligible for a deposit refund.